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Näitan kõiki 5 tulemust
Välisläbimõõt: 0,118 mm Pikkus: 2551 m Töötemperatuur: Max 155 °C Traadi materjal: Cu Kattekihi materjal: polüuretaanemail
Enamelled copper wires for winding transformers, motors, coils, etc. Wires are coated with insulation resistant to +155°C.
Töötemperatuur -65 … 155 ° C
Enamelled copper wires for winding transformers, motors, coils, etc. Single coated enamelled. Operating temperature -65…155°C
Enamelled copper wires for winding transformers, motors, coils, etc. Wires are coated with insulation resistant to +200°C.